
If your home or business is located in a flood or bushfire prone area, you should have an emergency kit ready to go at a moments notice. When evacuation orders are given, there is little time to gather the necessary items you will need. Even if you are not evacuated, you could lose electricity or access to clean, running water. You should have enough provisions to last up to 72 hours.

Emergency Supplies

• 3 litres of bottled water for each person.

• Non-perishable food, like canned goods.

• A can opener.

• Any prescription and over the counter medications.

• Items for babies, like formula, food and nappies.

• Items for your elderly household members.

• Items for household members with special needs.

• Items for pets, food, litter, leads, carry cages and any medications.

• Camping plates, cups and cutlery.

• A portable stove or gas cooking equipment.

• Toiletries.

• Sunscreen.

• Insect repellent.

• Snake bite kit.

• Portable phone charger (always keep this fully charged).Tools & Supplies

• Basic tool kit.

• Garbage bags.

• Utility knife.

• Whistle.

• Sleeping bags, blankets and bedding.

• Heavy duty tape for windows.

• Fire extinguisher.

• Books and activities for kids.

• First aid kit.

You can either buy a pre-made first aid kit, or compile your own with the following items:

Disposable gloves.


Bandages in all sizes.

Gauze dressings.

Sterile eye dressings.

Antiseptic spray.

Safety pins.

Insurance Company Emergency Communications

Most insurance companies can help you in the event of a catastrophe while waiting for help to arrive. Make sure you communicate with your insurer if any of the following happen:

Loss of electricity or clean, running water.

Local authorities restrict access to your property if you’ve been evacuated.

Water damage to your home/business or contents.

Inability to close and/or lock access points.

Damage to the structure that allows secondary damages to occur.

If you require assistance with disaster recovery, give FRA a call on 1300 667 692.